
apple pear / apple and pear

To find images that contain both apples AND pears. You can also enter more than two terms, e.g. apple pear banana.


apple or pear

To find images that contain apples OR pears OR both.


apple not pear / apple without pear

To find images that contain apples but NOT pears.

Multiple operators

(apple or pear) and person not child

To find images that contain apples OR pears AND people who are NOT children.



To find images with a subject beginning with this word such as apple cake, apple sauce, apple cobbler.

Keywords: ...

Keywords: apple

To find images that have been tagged with the search term “apple”.

Caption: ...

Caption: apple

To find images that include the word “apple” in their caption.

Photographer: ...

Photographer: Strauss

To find images by the photographer Strauss.

Exact text

"apple South Tirol"

To find images that have the text in quote marks in this order in at least one place in the image data. This includes all information associated with this image, such as keywords, captions, name of photographer, etc.